Knowing The Right Words

Knowing The Right Words Graphic

We always want to know the right words to say. We search for the perfect sentiment to express our meaning and help the people around us. Unfortunately what comes out of our mouths in those moments too often is less than ideal. In our desire to communicate our true thoughts and feelings or from the tension and pressure of the moment, we utter some pretty stupid and sometimes hurtful things. But if our intentions are pure, our meaning will come through regardless of the words. Using the wrong ones is just the first step to knowing the right ones.

Outside In Sensational Summer Selloff

Outside In Ad Postcard

In prepration for the release of The Investment Club and the paperback version of Outside In by Rare Bird Books in October, we’re launching a summer sales campaign to move the remaining one thousand hardcovers prior to the launch of the new books.

We are currently looking for retailers in Ohio or beyond to partner with. Following are some of the highlights:

> 5% of author net proceeds to be donated to the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Ottawa County
> Customized mounted poster display for the retailer
> Author appearances, signings, and talks can be arranged to promote sales
> 50+% profit potential for retailers
> Unsold books can be returned to publisher for a full refund at any time

Please email us if interested or if you know any retailers who might be interested that we can reach out to. Stay tuned for locations and events coming to stores near you in the coming months.

The Investment Club Cover Released!

The Investment Club Galley Cover

The new cover for The Investment Club galley has been finalized and advanced reader copies will start shipping in the coming weeks. Scheduled for release in October by Rare Bird BooksThe Investment Club is about the the lives of five damaged people—a self-destructive dwarf entrepreneur, a drug-addicted musical performer-turned-stripper, a retired, widowed New Jersey policeman, a bereaved, divorced female sportscaster, and a card-counting former Catholic priest—intertwining after playing blackjack together at the El Cortez Casino in downtown Las Vegas.


Stepping Over The Line

Stepping Over The Line

It’s difficult enough to do the “right” thing — to stay within the lines of what is expected. But to step over the lines and live with and learn from the consequences may be even tougher. When we make mistakes, our first reaction is to pull back within the lines, reverting to what is safe. By doing so we lose all the value of our wrong choices. We need to trust our curiosity and trust where it takes us. Growth and progress happen by doing more than pushing the boundaries. We actually have to step over them and experience life on the other side.

Caring And Sharing

Caring and Sharing

We seek love, but the fear and vulnerability that comes with it can be frightening and often paralyzing. As we begin to feel, we slowly peel back the layers, exposing more of ourselves. While this is exhilarating and energizing, we are also unprotected. Uncomfortable in a defenseless state, we may sabotage situations or shut down to safeguard our sensitive side. But during this time, we should remain open that much more. After all, what can really be taken from us? We are not limited in the amount of caring and sharing we can do. The abundance of the heart is endless.

Our Best Decisions

Our Best DecisionsOur instinct is to act first. As long as we take action, we move forward. Doing is being. A good offense is a good defense. Idle hands are the devil’s tools. These are all things we hear over and over. But experience shows us that sometimes the best action is actually no action. Our efforts are too often merely attempts to manipulate outcomes in response to our own insecurities and fear of uncertainty anyway. By doing nothing we trust that causes and effects will arise in the natural flow of life. We don’t have to crawl out of holes if we never dig them.

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Opening Ourselves To Beauty

Opening Ourselves To Beauty

Lamenting past decisions and focusing on current misfortune are ways we fill our time when suffering. It distracts us from how little control we have and our fear and uncertainty about the future. But it also prevents us from moving forward and experiencing the beauty around us. Our natural reaction when we feel vulnerability or pain is to shut down and protect ourselves. It’s during these times that we must resist that tendency and open up more. By doing so we learn negative feelings are merely waves that wash over and eventually recede creating space for beauty to come in.

Darkness Is A Passing Shadow

Darkness Is A Passing Shadow

It’s easy to forget that the darkest part of any night is still only an instant. Whether positive or negative, every event emerges and expires from moment to moment. We often become attached to the experience and want the good to last forever and think the bad will never go away. But everything is continually changing. Recognizing this and allowing the waves of experience to wash over us without reaction while retaining the courage and wonder to watch what will happen next with an open mind and heart is our challenge and reward. Worry not about the darkness; it never lasts.

Our Paths Are Meaningful Braids

Our Paths Are Meaningful Braids

We appreciate our alone time and in our current hyper-busy lives, we probably don’t have enough of it. But even when we’re able to slow down and steal a few moments to re-center, we’re never truly alone. Our decisions leave a trail and propel us in new, exciting, and terrifying directions, touching the lives of those we interact with and influencing many more we don’t. It doesn’t matter the shape or direction of our paths. Only that we realize they are constantly unfolding and connected to everyone and everything around us in meaningful ways that will be revealed over time.

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