Our strengths are our favorite tools. Time and again they’ve served us well when we need them the most. They’ve gotten us through difficulties and helped us achieve our goals. So it’s natural when facing obstacles that we turn to these proven talents first. But what got us here, won’t necessarily get us to where we need to be or want to be next. New situations have different challenges and may require fresh techniques and strategies. We must be willing to adjust and adapt to what is required and not simply rely on that at which we are adept.

Doug sat down with Register reporter Tom Jackson at the Market Street Studio to discuss The Investment Club and Outside In.

Doug was recently a guest on the weekly TV show Vegas Talk at Inspire Theater in downtown Vegas. Host Bonnie Gore interviewed him about The Investment Club and his experiences researching for the novel. Have a look at the clip below or visit their YouTube channel to watch the full episode.
Vegas Talk is an exciting late night talk show filmed live in Downtown Las Vegas Thursday nights at 9 pm sponsored by Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada, Rinse and Repeat, The Valley Center Opportunity Zone, and First Friday.

Thanks to San Francisco Book Review for rating The Investment Club five out of five stars! “Doug Cooper has created characters that readers can easily relate to, well-grounded, and oh so human. The chapters are short, and they are well-crafted to leave the reader wanting to learn what happens next to the characters. The tension builds as the reader begins to get interested in the group; the reader wants to know for how long the group can stick together before something rips it apart.”
San Francisco Book Review was launched in September 2009 originally as a bi-monthly printed magazine distributed in the SF Bay Area. Now, we focus only on the website, which provides nearly 300 book reviews a month, in addition to author-related articles, interviews, SF Bay Area book store events, and book store/library directories.
Our team reviews about 600 books each month in more than 30 categories, ranging from memoirs and biographies to science fiction and fantasy. SFBR also includes audio author interviews (Audible Authors), written interviews, a calendar of upcoming local SF author events, and whatever else catches our fancy.
In times of uncertainty and confusion, frustration usually creeps in. We’re not sure what we should do. We just know we need to do something; take some kind of action. Our first instinct is often to leave, to push away from the negative feelings. But it’s in these moments that we need to resist the urge for flight and to overanalyze and just lean into the chaos, letting the disquiet inside us settle. We can do this by tapping into our faith and believing in ourselves and trusting that life will offer the people and experiences we are meant to have.

For readers who want signed books and aren’t able to attend events or who just don’t want to wait for an event near them, you can buy a ticket to the virtual book signing.
All you have to do is choose the items you want in the dropdown box below and click Add to Cart. Another window will open, and you can adjust the number of items or return to continue shopping and add additional items. Once you finalize your cart, check out and pay with any major credit card and provide your shipping address. Don’t forget to include how you would like your name to appear and specify any personalized inscription you would like.
Tickets will remain on sale throughout the month of November. Once we get an idea of the location and time zones of attendees, we’ll set the virtual author talk day and time in December.
Happy Reading!

We are encouraged to be strategic, have vision, and make decisions for the long term. But the truth is we see only what each choice uncovers. We can look ahead and map out a plan, predicting what will happen, and how we will respond. But the instant we make a decision and act, a new reality is born, and the world we knew only seconds ago has faded. There are no guarantees or absolutes. All we can do is have faith in ourselves and the choices we make, and know, life will offer us the experiences we are meant to have.
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Remember, it’s all fiction!

Guilt is wasted emotion. It’s understandable to feel bad when unfortunate situations unfold or when our actions unintentionally hurt another. But when those pangs of remorse well up inside us, and we start wishing we had never made the choices we did, we must remind ourselves that we did so in full control of our faculties. That doesn’t mean we’re justifying our decisions as correct. It’s merely saying we’re taking responsibility and recognizing our current reality is the one we’re meant to be living. Taking chances, trusting our instincts, following our passion creates the world we really want, and deserve.

Looking forward to my second trip to the Books By The Banks Festival in Cincinnati on October 15th with my new book The Investment Club. I had an amazing time last year meeting up with old friends, making some new ones, and just immersing myself in the atmosphere of this wonderful event and interacting with all the book lovers and other authors.
The 10th annual Books by the Banks Cincinnati Regional Book Festival will take place Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at Duke Energy Center. This premiere event is held annually in downtown Cincinnati. The day-long festival, which is free and open to the public, features national, regional, and local authors and illustrators; book signings; panel discussions; and activities for the entire family to enjoy.
Books by the Banks is a 501(3)C organization. The success is dependent on contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations and the collaborating libraries. To become a Festival Friend or Sponsor please contact us at the link below. Contributions at all levels are welcome. For more information about Books by the Banks, visit them on their website, on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or send an email.