
Literally Jen Reviews Outside In

Literally Jen

Check out Literally Jen’s review of Outside In. “I love it when a book comes along like Doug Cooper’s Outside In that really makes a reader think. The book deals with situations and circumstances that I have no experience with in my own life, and yet I still found myself relating to many of Cooper’s protagonist’s thoughts.”

Literally Jen has been blogging since 2009. Books, movies, and live theatre are her favorite forms of entertainment. Follow her on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for her latest reviews.

Patricia’s Wisdom Reviews Outside In

Patricia's Wisdom

Check out Patricia’s review of Outside In on Patricia’s Wisdom. “The book is smart and quite the read and if I were still teaching Psychology in college, I would add this book to the list and would get to teach all the big concepts and words in a great lecture about coming of age in America, why maturity is so delayed, and how when the Inherited Wealth rules our world  we will have a new cultural dilemma to contend with; this is an important read.”

Patricia has a Master’s degree in Adult Education and Counseling and is an Ordained Minister in the United Church of Christ and has served as Campus Minister for United Ministries in Higher Education at the Evergreen State College in Washington State and also in Parish Ministry and with a local Counseling Agency. She has led many workshops on communications, planning, and problem-solving for individuals, couples, teens, businesses and government agencies.

Follow her mission to help individuals create positive life change on her website.

Knowing The Difference Reviews Outside In

Check out fellow Ohioan Mandy’s review of Outside In on Knowing the Difference. “Sometimes you have to experience things you might not have ever experienced; in the end you’ll be better for having had those experiences. Outside In is a quick, engaging read I thoroughly enjoyed and I bet you would as well!”

Knowing the Difference is Mandy’s blog, which is a compilation of her life including current thoughts and experiences, self reflections, favorite childhood memories, hopes for the future and everything in between. Follow her on Twitter to stay updated on her adventures.

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