Footprints in the sand.
Remnants of the past.
Portending to man,
Life can never last.
Trudging down the beach.
Our steps have shortened.
What we tried to reach,
So unimportant.
Waves grab at our feet.
Draw us to the source.
Signaling our retreat,
Washing away our course.
Sunrise on our backs.
Shadows extended.
Slowing in our tracks,
The path has ended.
The sole mark of worth
When we leave this land.
Life that we gave birth.
Footprints in the sand.

Here’s some of the favorite quotes from Outside In set to Bob Gatewood’s classic Put-in-Bay tune “Friends of the Bay”, which was selected as the official song of Put-in-Bay by the Put-in-Bay Village Council. Congratulations to Bob and special thanks for allowing use of the song in Outside In.
Listen to and purchase Bob Gatewood’s CD’s here on his website, bobgatewood.com, amazon.com and cdbaby.com. You can also purchase all of Bob Gatewood and Calabash’s recordings at iTunes and Rhapsody.

Have that hard to buy for person on your list? Perhaps Outside In, the winner of the 2014 International Book Award for Literary Fiction and the USA Best Book Award for Literary Fiction, is the perfect gift for them. Choose from one of three formats: hard cover to ebook to audio book and give the gift the gift that keeps on giving. Whether they’ll spend the holidays at the beach, slopes, or cabin in the woods, Outside In is the perfect traveling companion.
In honor of winning the International Book Award and the USA Book News Award for Literary Fiction this year, all ebooks for Kindle, Nook, and iBooks are on special for $2.99 during the holidays. That’s less than your grande, half-caff, triple, three-pump, nonfat, sugar-free, extra whip, caramel macchiato. Don’t have an ereader? Download their apps for your PCs or mobile devices.
Outside In also makes a wonderful holiday gift. All the sites offer the ability to gift the books to anyone with an email address. Show someone just how much you care by giving them an opportunity to escape all their family drama and pursue the endless summer with Brad and all the other wacky characters at Put-in-Bay.
USABookNews.com, the premier online magazine featuring mainstream and independent publishing houses, announced Outside In the winner of the 2014 USA Best Book Award for Literary Fiction on November 12, 2014. Awards were presented for titles published in 2012-2014.The 2014 results represent a mix of books from a wide array of publishers throughout the United States.
Winners and finalists traversed the publishing landscape: Simon & Schuster, Penguin, John Wiley & Sons, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Kensington Books, Harlequin, McGraw-Hill, Llewellyn, Yale University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Missouri Press, White House Historical Association, Wisconsin Historical Society Press, American Bar Association and hundreds of independent houses contributed to this year’s outstanding competition.
USABookNews.com is an online publication providing coverage for books from mainstream and independent publishers to the world online community.
This is the second award Outside In has won this year for best literary fiction, adding to the International Book Award received in May.

Cooper was a guest on a special edition of the Downtown Podcast filmed at the Gold Spike on Thursday, October 24 to talk about Outside In and also his forthcoming novel The Investment Club which is set in downtown Las Vegas.
The Downtown Podcast is a weekly video production filmed by friends, community members, and visitors to share the stories, ideas and people that make the Downtown Las Vegas community so special. It is Las Vegas’ only late night talk show. Filmed live every Thursday night at 9pm at Scullery in Downtown Las Vegas.
Visit the Choosy Bookworm site and sign up to win a free Outside In ebook. If you are one of the first 25 to respond, you will receive an ebook copy as a gift from the seller of your choice: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, or Kobo.
This limited time offer is part of the Choosy Bookworm’s Read & Review Program in which readers can choose from a wide variety of genres and titles in exchange for honest reviews of the ebooks to be posted on the sellers’ sites they designate.

Cooper will appear at the Vegas Valley Book Festival from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, October 18 to sign copies of Outside In, winner of the 2014 International Book Award for Literary Fiction. You can find him at Table 11 in the Poetry Courtyard at the Historic Fifth Street School, 401 S. Fourth Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101. Books will be available for purchase or you are welcome to bring a previously purchased copy.
The Vegas Valley Book Festival, now in its thirteenth year, is a celebration of the written, spoken, and illustrated word. The festival has networked together a community-wide consortium of cultural organizations and sponsors to offer “a one-stop shopping experience for literature” through a wide range of programs built around sharing resources, developing audiences, advancing the craft of writing, and sharing the joys of reading. This annual festival is the largest literary event in Nevada, drawing more that 10,000 attendees during the season. Since its founding in 2002, the festival has presented over 800 authors and speakers and has produced or sponsored over 500 events, sessions, readings, workshops, and book signings. The festival is free and open to the public.
Cooper was selected to participate in the Books by the Banks Cincinnati USA Regional Book Festival on Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Books by the Banks is an annual celebration of books and reading that takes place every October in downtown Cincinnati. The day-long festival, which is free and open to the public, features national, regional, and local authors and illustrators; book signings; panel discussions; and activities for the entire family to enjoy.
If you’re in Cincinnati or the surrounding area, come check out the festival and be sure to stop by and visit with Cooper and discuss Outside In at his table and all the other authors at the Duke Energy Center. Books will be available for purchase at the festival through Joseph-Beth Booksellers.
This is another installment in my “A Deeper Look” series peeling back the layers of Outside In to better understand the meaning of various aspects and characteristics of the novel.
In writing Outside In, I wanted to create a modern myth of a person’s search for identity and responsibility using Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey of departure initiation, and return with the contemporary trials of alcohol, drugs, and sexual experimentation. Told in first-person present tense, Outside In was intended to enable readers to embark on Brad’s journey through his thoughts, perceptions, and encounters, thereby confronting readers with difficult questions that lie at the core of not only the individual, but society in general.
This type of literature is often referred to as didacticism and allegory. Didacticism emphasizes that the literature intends to offer something more to the readers other than pleasure and entertainment. This is a slippery slope. At its best, it gives readers a change to live vicariously through the characters and learn about aspects of life outside of their spheres of control and influence. Unfortunately, it too often reduces the literature to a boring, dull tool overloaded with information. The goal is to weave the information and instruction in and out of interesting characters and events to be entertaining as well as enlightening.
The morality plays of medieval Europe were examples of didactic literature. They were theatrical performances which used allegorical characters to teach the audience a moral lesson. Common themes included the seven deadly sins and repentance and redemption. George Orwell’s Animal Farm and the litany of Dr. Seuss stories are more current examples of didacticism.
Allegory is similar and often confused with symbolism because an allegory can use symbols, but allegory is a complete narrative which involves characters and events representing abstract ideas and events. Symbolism can be used within any work for one object to represent another and give it a particular meaning. Animal Farm, in addition to being didactic is also an example of allegory. Moby Dick by Herman Melville is another example of a classic allegory. More modern examples include the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Dune.
Following are examples of didacticism and allegory in Outside In:
- Allegorical Characters: As detailed in the deeper look on the characters in Outside In, each of the supporting characters surrounding Brad represent a conflicting emotion. They make up four points of a moral compass pulling him in a distinct direction through the course of the story. Astrid (hope), Haley (despair), Caldwell (Respect), and Cinch (irreverence). It is Brad’s connection to all of them — the good and the bad — that help him discover and accept the person he is.
- Excess and Instant Gratification: Outside In proposes identity can’t be found or fabricated but emerges from within when one has the courage to let go. This letting go for many of the characters in Outside In translates to a hedonistic pursuit involving alcohol, sex, and drugs, the vices so readily available to a person who wants to forget. These vices symbolize the modern trials people face in their journeys of becoming. What starts as recreational experimentation and the exploration of new experiences transform to obsession and complete loss of self. This descent into excess and instant gratification is meant to raise awareness of current societal issues with addiction and self-medication and pose the question.
- Identity As A Process: After the tragic death of a student and the loss of his teaching job, Brad loses his faith and sense of identity and has a quarter-life crisis. His reaction is to escape to the island community of Put-in-Bay on Lake Erie to rediscover who he is and what life has to offer. Along the way he learns identity cannot be found or fabricated, but emerges from within when a person has the courage to let go. This is the overall theme and moral of the novel that identity is not a fixed goal or an end but rather a process that continually unfolds and is defined by our connections and responsibility to the people, places and things around us.
- Island Characteristics: The unique attributes of isolation, finite resources, and the influence of water have always made islands an ideal setting for stories. They represent a mandala and symbol of the effort to unify self. Why I chose Put-in-Bay on South Bass Island for the setting of Outside In is for the Battle of Lake Erie History. Oliver Hazard Perry’s famous quote “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” from the historic battle is representative of the characters inner struggles to face and conquer their demons on their paths of self-discovery.
- Manifest Destiny Contrast: In the 1800’s Manifest Destiny captivated the imagination and drive of the American people by creating the belief that it was America’s mission to expand throughout the continent. By starting the journey of the protagonist in St. Louis, known as the Gateway to the West, but rather than forging west in search of a better life, he delves deeper into the middle of the country, it is a direct contrast to the concept of Manifest Destiny. With minimal external unexplored land and frontier remaining, the character’s path represents the need to look deeper in oneself to find the answers to problems and that dreams don’t lie on the horizon; they lie within.
Stay connected to this website or follow me on Facebook @ByCooper, on Twitter @ByCoop, or on Instagram @dougiecoop for more deeper looks at aspects of Outside In.