
A Toast

Let us be merry with song and drink,
To the point we may not think.
Full of laughter and friends abound,
Here’s to forgotten minds but souls found.
Acts of courage and full of nerve,
Due to the spirits that we serve.
To create a shot of particular flavor,
Or pour a drink for one to savor.

Whether it’s a stein, a glass or ordinary cup,
With beers and cocktails, we’ll fill you up.
Not in money from tips we receive,
But in people is what we truly believe.
Free from the everyday stress and strife,
To serve another is a great joy in life.
So gather near and tip your cup,
We’ll always do our best to fill you up.

Stuart Smith Endorses Outside In

Stuart Smith

“Doug Cooper writes authoritatively about the ease with which circumstances conspire to ensnare a promising young teacher into a lush life of sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. It remains to be seen how easy it will be for him to get himself out–or if he will just become another bleached-out lotus-eater in the Florida sun. A charismatic cast of characters populates this promising novel from a rising talent.”
-Stuart Smith, CEO, Central Recovery

Weldon Long Endorses Outside In

Weldon Long

“This modern take on finding oneself shows readers what can happen when you completely lose control and become someone you are not. It reminds us all of Shakespeare’s council, ‘To thine own self be true.'”

-Weldon Long, author of the New York Times bestseller The Power of Consistency

Cooper Participates As Panel Member on Total Education Hour

Total Tutor

Based on Cooper’s background as a teacher and some of the education-related themes in Outside In, The Total Tutor, Neil Haley, invited Cooper to be a panel member along with Maggie Stevens, author or Parent Fix, on Haley’s show The Total Education Hour to discuss education news.

Listen to the entertaining and informative broadcast as they discuss everything from the selling of Pop-Tarts in school bake sales to teacher accountability for student standardized test scores.

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